Saturday, January 29, 2011


I rode the bus to and from work three days this week. It's interesting. There's a certain rhythm about the everything. Early morning buses fill up with what seems to be a mix of high school kids and blue collar workers. Afternoons aren't as busy, probably because I ride home after the crush of high school kids is already home.

It doesn't take long to get used to riding the bus. Our bus system has a number of different models of busses, and I can tell almost immediately when I get on a bus where I should sit to give myself the most legroom, or so that I'm not directly under the heater. One spot on one of the busses is right under a blower that's uncomfortably hot. Another trap is getting too near the back of the bus, so you're on the raised platform. The trap is remembering to step down when I get up to exit the bus. Missing that step once was enough.

I have been early (which is good), just in time (with some pretty intense driving to get to my parking spot), and late (leading to a 45 minute wait in the bus station). I have had the driver miss me as I stood at my stop (luckily he did stop when I yelled and waved), and have the driver fail to stop when I rang for the stop (leaving me with a three block walk back).

I have saved three quarters of a tank of gas. I have gotten in better shape from the walking I have had to do to get to the bus station. Best of all, I have finished a fantastic book and have started another. I love the reading time this is giving me.

Starting Up

Without much confidence that I'll stick to these, here are some resolutions I'm making this year:

1. I'm going to try to take the bus to work at least three days per week. This will save me money, save wear and tear on my van, and give me a guaranteed 40-50 minutes of time to read every day. The downside to this is that I will have to leave the house 30 minutes earlier, and I'll get home 30 minutes later every day.

2. I have wanted to resume blogging for over a year, and this post is my first attempt to make this change. The fact that I'm finally getting to this on January 9 might show that I won't be very successful at this. Other evidence that this is going to be tough for me is that I can't remember the password or email address I had for my old online blog account, so I had to start from scratch on Live Journal.

3. I resolve again to NOT play fantasy football this year. I played fantasy baseball for a number of years back in the early 1990s. I really enjoyed it, but it changed the way I watched baseball. It became more and more "work" to watch a game. I lost the enjoyment factor. SInce I enjoy football, and enjoyed fantasy baseball, the lure of fantasy football comes up every year. I need to consciously make this resolution every year so that I don't give in to the temptation that I feel every August, and keep football enjoyable for me.

4. I plan to change the way I do my personal devotions. I'm looking at a couple of different Bible reading plans, plus I have have had some thoughts about using journaling as a devotional tool. I have not decided yet how I'm going to make a specific change in this area yet. I will make that decision over the next month, as I try out a few different ideas.

So there are essentially two "big" changes, one commitment not to change something, and another change that I haven't fully sorted out yet. If I can manage to keep my second resolution, I expect I'll be making comments here over the year that will show you how well I'm sticking with the other three.